Irregular period

Irregular period

What to Do for Menstrual Irregularity?

Menstrual bleeding; The lower and upper limits are considered normal if it occurs every 21 to 35 days, lasts between 3 and 7 days, and is not excessive or less. In order to talk about menstrual irregularity, criteria such as shorter or longer cycles than normal, bleeding lasting less than 3 days or more than 7 days, and less or excessive amount of bleeding are taken as a basis. Almost every woman has experienced an irregularity problem at some point in her life and has sought the answer to the question of what to do for menstrual irregularity . Disruptions that occur once or twice a year are considered normal, and can be tolerated as long as the disorder does not establish order. Reasons such as weather changes, stress, mood changes, smoking, inactivity, unhealthy diet, deterioration of height and weight ratio can cause menstrual irregularities. In addition to these, there may be different diseases that should be taken seriously and treated under menstrual irregularities. Uterine tumors, fibroids, ovarian cysts, thyroid dysfunctions, liver and kidney dysfunctions, uterine and ovarian cancers, polycystic Diseases such as ovary can affect the time and amount of menstrual bleeding. What should be done for menstrual irregularity in order to distinguish serious problems from normal and temporary irregularities ? At what stage should I consult a doctor?

  •  First of all, every woman needs to master her own routine. Menstrual cycles, duration of bleeding, amount of bleeding, conditions such as delays should be kept under follow-up.
  • The balance between height and weight must be maintained. Excessive weight gain or weight loss is one of the most important factors affecting the menstrual cycle.
  • In a lifestyle based on inactivity, menstrual irregularities can be inevitable. One of the golden rules of a healthy life is to take a step.
  • Stress is the secret collaborator of many health problems. Although it cannot be proven that it directly causes disease, it is a fact that is accepted as a triggering factor. If it cannot be excluded, it must be managed.
  • Smoking is more honest than stress. He plays his cards face up. It has direct harmful effects on the ovulation pattern and many health problems.

Which Medical Department is for Menstrual Irregularity?

Menstrual cycles can be interrupted from time to time by changes in lifestyle and conditions. The more wrong it is to associate every disruption with a serious illness, the more wrong it is not to take irregularities seriously and to act in accordance with

personal convictions. Every woman should establish a follow-up system about her menstrual cycle and have regular health screenings. The doctor’s consultation is periodic, not only for the elimination of existing complaints, but also for the detection of potential diseases.

we have observed differences in the time and amount of menstrual bleeding, which is considered the most important indicator of women’s reproductive health , which section should we go to for menstrual irregularity ?

In some clinics, one should go to the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department, which is also known as gynecology. It is recommended to go to a gynecology and obstetrician every 6 months, not only for menstrual irregularity problems, but also for regular examinations and routine check-ups.

What Is Good For Menstrual Irregularity?

If menstrual cycles last less than 21 days, more than 35 days, the amount of bleeding is excessive or less than it should be, if the bleeding stops before 3 days, or if it doesn’t stop after a week, something is wrong. While there may be temporary factors that cause menstrual irregularity, irregular bleeding may also signal some serious diseases. Therefore, there is no clear answer to the question of what is good for menstrual irregularity . Although it is a right step to make lifestyle changes or stay away from factors thought to affect the ovulation pattern for temporary disruptions that may occur from time to time, it may not be enough on its own. Physical health is a whole. Every organ that cannot function properly in the body has the potential to damage the entire system. Menstrual irregularity can also be a harbinger of different disorders that need to be repaired.

Which doctor to go to for menstrual irregularity?

One of the issues that patients hesitate most when doing a doctor’s research on their illness is about which doctor to go to for complaints. Incorrect information and referrals can lead to a waste of time. The symptoms should be clearly defined and doctor’s research should be done in this direction.

If it has been determined that something is wrong with the menstrual cycles, which doctor should be consulted for menstrual irregularity ?

Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist should be consulted for any issue concerning the reproductive system and genital health.

Menstrual Irregularity Doctor Bursa

Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Yulia Doster MD is a name with expertise and professional experience in fields such as gynecology, pregnancy follow-up and

obstetrics, cosmetic and aesthetic gynecology, vaginismus thet she performs for menstrual irregularity doctor Bursa. You can make an appointment by contacting Yuliya Doster Clinic for more information, or access from Yulia Doster’s social media accounts and website.

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