World Health Organization defines sexual health as “Integration of physical, emotional, intellectual and social aspects of an individual’s life”. In this context, when measuring sexual dysfunctions in women, we have to approach the problem both from physical and psychological perspectives. Women who claim to be not feeling anything during sexual intercourse may experience this situation due to following reasons:
So, why does loss of sensation happen in vagina? Is it psychological or physiological? We can only understand it via evaluating symptoms, complaints and gynecological examination findings together.
How Does Loss Of Sensation In The Vagina Heal / What Causes It?
Loss of sensation in the vagina usually happens due to the deformation of vaginal tissues. After a certain age, it is inevitable in women who have given natural child birth. Eventhough no vaginal birth has taken place, it is inevitable to experience loosening and sagging due to the loss of collagen in the tissues. One of the prominant problems caused by the loss of tightness is inability to feel sexual contact. In such cases, the partners of women who claim to be not feeling anything during sexual intercourse also feel this loss of pleasure in the same degree – since the vagina cannot grip the penis sufficiently. Vaginal enlargement causes loss of pleasure and sensation on both sides. The way to eliminate this problem is to tighten the vagina with surgical or non-surgical methods. With a planned and measured vaginal tightening procedure, the problem of loss of sensation in the vagina can be eliminated. If you would like to have an extended information about this subject, you can visit and read our article titled “Vaginal Enlargement And Loss Of Sensation”.
How Does Dyspareunia In Women Affect Sexual Life?
One of the problems that affect the quality of sexual life is dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse). Causes of this pain can be psychological, or as a result of some genital diseases. According to the data published by the Turkish Andrology Association, after surgical interventions in the genital area, 30% of women experience pain during sexual intercourse*. Apart from surgical interventions, pain during sexual intercourse may occur due to reasons such as the structure of the hymen, vaginal dryness, vaginal infections and vaginismus.
So, How Is Dyspareunia Treated?
We diagnose Vaginismus in the majority of patients who apply to our clinic for dyspareunia. Vaginismus is the painful or impossible sexual intercourse as a result of uncontrolled contraction of the vaginal muscles. The problem of Vaginismus should be treated with professionally approaching the problem from several angles.
What Are Other Treatment Options For Vaginal Dryness And Infection Problems?
Vaginal dryness and recurring infections can happen as a result of vaginal enlargement. We observe that the dryness and infection complaints of our patients decrease after the non-surgical vaginal tightening procedure we apply with Femilift carbon dioxide and fractional laser device. Femilift re-establishes the natural moisture balance in the vagina by stimulating collagen growth. After Femilift laser application, the complaints of dryness and infection-induced dyspareunia are eliminated, as well as the problem of inability to have an orgasm.
What Should A Woman Who Claims Not Being Able To Feel The Sexual Intercourse Do?
Both painful sexual intercourse and loss of sensation in the vagina deeply affect a healthy sexual life. You have to look into the questions like “Why loss of sensation happens in the vagina?” or “How is it treated?” with your doctor. The causes of pain or loss of pleasure and sensation should be investigated and a treatment plan should be made accordingly, since sexual dysfunctions do not heal over time by itself. If you claim “I don’t feel anything during sexual intercourse”, you have to apply to a Gynecology specialist. If you are looking for a reliable address on this subject, you can apply to our clinic, where we have been successfully treating sexual dysfunctions in women for many years. To book an examination with op. Dr. Yuliya Doster, Our Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist who is also an expert in the field of sexual therapy, please fill in the form in