Everything You Need To Know About Diagnosis And Non-Surgical Treatment of Urinary Incontinence Types in Women!

Involuntary urination problems, which is called urinary incontinence in the medical literature, can be a nightmare for women who have given birth vaginally. More women than we think are experiencing this annoying condition, and the problem increases with age. So, is urinary incontinence a problem that is only specific to a certain age group? Of course not! We also come across urinary incontinence in yourg women. We consider natural child births and advancing age only as important triggering factors of this problem. Urinary incontinence in women is also common due to the internal physical pressure that occurs in the advancing weeks of pregnancy. Additionally, it can also happen temporarily after giving birth. No matter what causes it, involuntary urination is a problem that affects women psychologically. It is also difficult to get help for patients, because they usually hide this problem with a feeling of shame.

What Are The Types Of Urinary Incontinence In Women?

Urinary incontinence problems in women are evaluated in four main categories.

  1. Stress Type Urinary Incontinence

Also referred as “stress incontinnence”, it happens with sudden reflexes or with compulsive movements are categorized in this title. In cases of increased intra-abdominal pressure, such as laughing, sneezing, caughing, pushing, exercise or lifting heavy weights, urinary incontinence may occur due to weakened pelvic floor muscles. Urinary incontinence in women who recently gave natural birth is considered to be a stress type incontinence.

  • Urge Type Incontinence

This case is referred as “urge incontinence” in medical literature. In this type of incontinence, the sudden strong feeling of urgency results in involuntary urination before the patient can go to the toilet. The cause of urge urinary incontinence is related to the bladder muscles rather than the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. It is one of the most common complaints in patients with diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.

  • Mixed Type Incontinence

As the name suggests, mixed urinary incontinence is a combination of stress incontinence and urge incontinence.

  • Overflow Type Incontinence

Overflow urinary incontinence occurs as a result of straining the capacity of the urinary bladder. The bladder fills suddenly and results in incontinence.

How to Diagnose Urinary Incontinence Types?

For our patients who consult us with urinary incontinence problems, we try to determine with what reasons and in what situations they experience this problem which drastically reduces their quality of life. There is not a standard treatment that can be applicable to everyone with urinary incontinence. In order to create the right treatment route, we first need to determine what type of urinary incontinence our patients have. In the diagnosis of urinary incontinence in women, we follow the following steps in this order:

  • Listening to the general health history of the patient
  • Detailed pelvic examination
  • Performing the necessary tests and medical inspections according to the clinical findings in the examination
  • Evaluation of results and diagnosis
  • Planning of the treatment

In urinary incontinence problems, we observe stress incontinence type is the most frequent. Urinary incontinence in women is one of the expected consequences of natural child births. To have more information on post-birth urinary incontinence, you can visit https://www.yuliyadoster.com/tedavi/dogum-sonrasi-idrar-kacirma/

Does Urinary Incontinence Heal By Itself?

There are also instances where urinary incontinence problem is temporary. For example if you have urinary tract infection, you can experience urgency and involuntary leaks. For this reason, when investigating the causes of urinary incontinence in women, first of all it should be checked whether there is an infection with a urinalysis. In addition, as we mentioned in the beginning of this article, urinary incontinence in young women can occur temporarily during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Is Non-Surgical Urinary Incontinence Treatment Possible?

Whether surgical or non-surgical techniques will be more effective in the treatment of urinary incontinence depends on the severity and the type of urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence laser treatment can be an ideal option for women whose pelvic floor muscles have weakened due to natural child delivery, who experience vaginal enlargement and face urinary incontinence as a result. The feedback of our patients who had laser vaginal tightening treatment is that their urinary incontinence problems have disappeared. However, laser treatment for urinary incontinence should not be considered as a standard solution for all kinds of urinary incontinence complaints.

Who Should We Consult For Urinary Incontinence Complaints?

For urinary incontinence problems in women, the medical department to consult is Obstetrics and Gynecology. This problem which concerns genital area closely has to be evaluated and treated by a gynecologist. Well-equipped clinical conditions are necessary for the application of treatment with correct and effective techniques. You can contact us if you want to have more information on our urinary incontinence treatment options, and book your online appointment on https://www.yuliyadoster.com/online-randevu/

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