One of the most important reasons that negatively affect the quality of sexual life is painful sexual intercourse. In medical literatüre, pain and discomfort that is experienced during sexual intercourse is called “dyspareunia”. This medical condition that is associated with women in most cases can develop due to various physiological and psychological factors. The most common psychological cause for dyspareunia in women is vaginismus.
My first answer to the question of what is vaginismus, directed at me from various platforms, is usually «This is a disease of procrastination» — for most of my vaginismus patients come to my clinic not when they first become aware of the problem, but after the relationship with their partner come to a breaking point. Ignoring vaginismus symptoms only prolongs the vaginismus treatment process.
Vaginismus, which has negative effects on relationships, is a very common sexual dysfunction problem among women, although it is rarely talked about. Sexual therapy plays an important role in the treatment of this easily diagnosed disease with a psychological background.
Explaining Vaginismus condition only with “being unable to have sexual intercourse” is insufficient. In order to fully understand its relationship with pain, it is necessary to answer the question of what is vaginismus in terms of its physiological outcomes. Vaginismus is the case of involuntary contaction of pelvic muscles, and as a result, the sexual intercourse for the individual becoming either impossible or with pain. The source of these uncontrolled contractions that occur outside the will of the patient is psychological, while the consequences are physiological. Vaginismus condition is accompanied by painful intercourse or the anxiety about pain during sexual intercourse. Dyspareunia is a common complaint among vaginismus symptoms. With a simple gynecological examination, we can see whether the pain experienced during sexual intercourse is rooted in vaginismus. Although it is easy to diagnose, vaginismus treatment may take time depending on the severity of the condition.
Vaginismus is a sexual problem that is dominated by fears, worries and psychological traumas. Associating an activity in which the main motivation is to get pleasure with pain and suffering may lead to avoidance of sexuality completely. First of all, it is necessary to understand very well that healthy relationships need to have a happy sexual life. In the face of situations that make sexual intercourse difficult or impossible, keeping the issue closed to discussion, not communicating with the partner and constantly postponing the solution means bringing existing relationships to the breaking point and closing the doors tightly to potential relationships. To remain in pain cannot be a more appealing option against having the treatment and being happy, can it? If you experience vaginismus symptoms, you can contact us and book an appointment via . As I stated in the beginning, vaginismus treatment is not to be delayed!
Eventhough it is talked about rarely, many women suffer from this problem. False information placed in our minds at a young age, rumors far from scientific reality, taboos, sexual bullying that is against humanity… These all can be factors that contribute to vaginismus. How can it be?
In most cultures, from the earliest ages children are thought not to play with dangerous things. Wagging fingers and frowning while warning children places these lessons firmly in their minds. While these behaviors root from intentions of protecting children, teaching children “vaginas are forbidden/scary” can lead to serious problems like vaginismus in later ages. While we are thought that we should be in peace with out bodies, the genital areas are not included in this conversation. Our genital area occupies a place in our lives as a mysterious closed box full of secrets. What is thought to be forbidden to explore to the individual then becomes a bigger issue as a couple, since there are 2 people that it is hard to discuss of. For this reason, sexual therapy is extremely important for the vaginismus treatment.
The understanding of sexuality can be shaped according to cultures and beliefs. Especially in conservative societies, the concept of «first night», the exaggerated meanings attributed to the hymen or the beliefs that sexual intercourse should be performed with approved partners registered by official authorities, carry sexuality to a sacred level and the psychological pressure felt when that holy moment comes can result in vaginismus.
Hymen is a tissue that is placed 2-3 cm (about 1 inch) into the vagina. Traditionally, it is the symbol of virginity. Its anatomical structure differs from one woman to another. When the sexual intercourse is experienced for the first time, this tissue tears and some amount of bleeding occurs. Although the biggest sign that the hymen has opened is the bleeding, for some women this may not happen at al, or it may occur after the intercourse rather than at the time of it. Social pressure, untruthful stories told or the women experiencing alienation with their sexual identity cause the hymen to be perceived as an insurmountable obstacle in sexuality. Among women experiencing vaginismus, it is not at all unusual to come across ones who still have not had sexual intercourse, eventhough they had been married for years. The reason behind this phenomenon is the belief that severe pain will be felt during the opening of the hymen. Avoiding sexual intercourse due to this phobia is one of the main vaginismus symptoms.
Sexual abuse, rape, perverse demands that cause harm during sexual intercourse is the most painful and inhumane causes of vaginismus. For this reason, vaginismus treatments are carried out with a multidisciplinary approach, especially psychological.
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